
Healthcare Content Marketing

Copywriting and Ghostwriting Services

How I can help:

Sketch of a website

Content Strategy

I help brands build brand awareness and loyalty through meticulously crafted content that conveys your brand's message.

Dollar sign


I create compelling brand narratives through expert storytelling, creating a compelling brand presence that engages audiences and generates sales.

clip art of laptop, book, checklist

Branding Expert

Through my unique background in healthcare, I bring an empathetic approach to digital marketing, assisting companies in building a strong brand identity and connecting with their target audience.

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Through my experience as a ghostwriter, I ensure content resonates with your intended audience to generate traffic and position you as a leading expert.

Hi. I’m Brittney. 

Prior to becoming a nurse, I earned a business degree.

Now, I work with brands in the digital marketing space to improve healthcare.

As a marketing consultant, my experience includes strategizing and executing successful marketing campaigns.

As a branding expert, I work with brands in the B2B and B2C space to create clear, consistent, and compelling messaging.

Why Work With Brittney

Passion for helping

Over the course of my nursing career, I have worked with both neonates and adults in critical care. The passion I have for healthcare extends beyond the walls of the hospital.

Marketing Mind; Healthcare Heart.

The nurturing touch of a nursing professional ensures that your message resonates authentically, connecting with audiences on a deeper level.


Customer focus is at the heart of my philosophy, where every decision and strategy is meticulously designed to maximize results.


I give your brand a distinct advantage by integrating industry expertise with human behavior. Create a trusted brand that improves search rankings and educates readers.

Client Testimonials

“I would highly recommend her services to anyone in the medical field who needs a professional, efficient, and relatable writer.”
Younghoon Cho, MD
Medical AI
"I wanted to highlight how well Brittney Bertagna redirected one of our writers from writing negativity about homeopathy by replacing wording with a more positive spin. The last thing we want to do is upset our readers. ❤️ Great job redirecting (writer's name) on her homeopathy article, Brittney!"
"This is great! I really like the specific examples you mentioned and the screenshots you included in this article. I think this is how you resonate with our Nurse Practitioner audiences and shows how you can speak on the topic of digital marketing."

Have a project in mind?

Schedule a free discovery call below to see if we’re a good fit. 

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